
Podcast EP 12 – Fly Me to the Moon

Airline NFTs Metaverse Marketing

In which Cory and David talk about how airlines could use NFTs and provide metaverse experiences, but early attempts seem to be clumsy and jumping on the bandwagon rather than providing real utility for customers. We talk about selling technology and the importance of storytelling. We consider a future where Apple only has 1% of the mobile phone market, based on lessons from the last 20 years. And we riff on music and why there seems to be a lack of activism from musicians.

Get In Touch

(01:10) The conversation about music has been moved to the end of the podcast…
(01:35) Fly me to the Moon? Airlines, NFTs and the Metaverse.
(02:59) QANTAS is going to release NFT collectables. Details are sketchy, but this seems like a diversion from some of the bad press that Australia’s national carrier has been getting post-pandemic.
(04:16) QANTAS reaction to customer complaints has blamed customers rather than look at themselves.
(05:45) Emirates is also thinking about metaverse experiences. This makes more sense. They have a pavillion left over from Dubai’s expo and have been using AR for a while to help the booking process.
(15:41) Sell the Sizzle, Not the Sausage
(19:21) We have a YouTube Channel where you can see full episodes and outtakes that never made it…
(20:08) How has market share for mobile phone manufacturers changed over the past 20 years?
(29:06) Xiaomi is the 3rd biggest phone manufacturer.. they also make earbuds, scooters and other devices.
(32:54) Mobile phone manufacturer tattoos?
(34:23) Cory tells a story about the ‘all the gear, no idea’ kind…

(39:07) The new Unreal 5 Engine has been released and it’s a gamechanger

(41:55) We return to our conversation about music, inspired by Cory’s singing in the shower
(43:58) Live at Daryl’s House… with Cee Lo Green.

Companies featured include… QANTAS, Emirates Airlines, Nokia, Apple, AWS

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