Content Podcast Production

Then Enduring Popularity of Podcasts

Podcast Producer Content Marketing

Why are Podcasts so popular? Both with content creators, brands and audiences? We have some data to answer that question.

Multi-Tasking & Content Consumption

Like radio, Podcasts can be listened to almost anywhere, anytime – even during wasted time – like making dinner or driving to work. So while your hands and eyes are busy doing something else, your ears can help you be educated or entertained. The there is the VARK model of learning. Some people learn through sight of vision, some learn through audio or listening and these are the people that respond to podcasts.


Video has made our brains lazy. People who read books have more imagination. and are more creative – but written text is also highly subjective. The author can control the narrative and decide which parts of the experience to include or leave out. Tone of voice is also difficult to get right in written content. Audio sits somewhere in the middle of video and text. An atmosphere can be created by sound and tone of voice is more easily interpreted. But the brain still needs to fill in some gaps and imagine. This makes the content more engaging.

Narrowcast Equals Relevancy

Mass-market broadcast radio with linear programming has to try and please everyone. Or at least everyone tuning into a specific program on a specific channel at a specific time. Since the invention recording equipment, audiences have opted to listen to what they want, when they want and this preference has been accelerated by services such as Netflix or Spotify.

From a podcast producer’s point of view, creating relevant content for a specific audience increases engagement and offers a better platform for partners or advertisers.

SEO & Content Marketing Strategy

This one deserves a whole blog to itself. But as content marketing continues to deliver more return on investment than any other promotional spend, creating podcast content, having it indexed, searchable and discoverable on multiple new channels is a great way to boost your owned media and your earned media through sharable content.