Content. Creating. Publishing. Distributing.

content for luxury brands


Pilote Media is a boutique production and publishing company that specialises in creating, publishing and distributing relevant content for targeted communities.

Based in Dubai, but covering the globe, we have been influencing influencers since 2008.

Talk to us – call +44 208 123 2694 and let’s have a coffee… or tea and discuss your requirements.

Original Content for Luxury Brands.

Why Pilote? When we started, we worked almost exclusively with Motorsport, Professional Sailing and Aerobatics. All with a driver or Pilot at the wheel. These audiences also appeal to a certain consumer. It’s no accident that luxury brands – from watches to financial services are sponsors.

We create original content from events – sporting occasions or custom built, invitation only gatherings for savvy consumers that are hard to get to with traditional advertising. We do this by building highly targeted communities. Quality not quantity.

In 2020, things are different. Fake News, Influencers and User Generated Content are all part of the tool-set that we use to educate, influence and sell.