
EP 35 – 2023 Digital Trends

Pilote Podcast Digital Trends in 2023 AR

Welcome back to the Pilote Podcast, I’m David Fuller. In this episode – Cory Smith and I talk about some of the trends that emerged in 2022 and whether they will continue to be part of the conversation in 2023 and beyond.

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The Metaverse will be AR / XR and it will be B2B.. but, there are ways to prepare including layered content or content which will be able to be consumed through filters or lenses.

David’s travel project – Sense in the City is being re-booted now that travel is back. Sound is an augmentation of reality and can deliver layers, like oral history or insight. Why does sport have commentary?

Some people say that everything will have a twin with an address… Interesting idea. Still wondering what the WHY is.

π—”π—œ Assistants
The buzz is about AIs that write poems and film scripts and WordPress plugins. But when are we going to make the machines work for us and not instead of us? It’s great that they can tell us how to remove a peanut butter sandwich from a VCR, but wouldn’t a personal virtual assistant be better?

Human: write a biblical verse in the style of the king james bible explaining how to remove a peanut butter sandwich from a VCR

ChatGPT: “And lo, the Lord spake unto the people, saying, ‘Thou shalt not place thy peanut butter sandwich within the VCR, for it is not a suitable place for such sustenance. But if perchance thou hast done so, fear not, for I shall show thee how to remove it. First, take a soft cloth and gently dab at the corners of the sandwich, using small and measured movements. Then, using a thin and pliable tool, carefully loosen the sandwich from its sticky confines, taking care not to damage the VCR. And when thou hast succeeded, give thanks unto the Lord for thy deliverance.'”


How Should the Tech workforce look in 2023?
While there is increased demand for technical talent, there have also been layoffs in some areas. Tech talent will need to be flexible, but so will employers. As we create machines and AIs that will impact the way we work, we need to pay attention to the people who are training those machines.

Should technical people have more soft-skills, empathy and understanding of history, ethics and consumer behaviour?

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